What is Fair Market Value? Business Valuation Company St. Louis
What is Fair Market Value? Fair market value as a term has many meanings. As a term in business valuation it has a specific meaning.
Business Valuation Companies St. Louis: Do I Need a Real Estate Appraisal or Valuation Expert?
There are times when you may need a real estate appraisal expert in addition to a company valuation expert.
Filing for Divorce: CPA or Company Valuation Expert in Divorce Court - St. Louis
If you own a business and are getting divorced you may consider your current CPA to value your business. Here are some questions to ask!
Business Valuations: To Grow or Sell a Manufacturing Company
Have you ever wondered what you could sell your company for today? Have you considered selling your business and doing something different or even retiring?
Filing for Divorce: Hire your current CPA or a Valuation Expert in Divorce Court?
The reality is that alimony, child support and company valuation issues are complicated matters. Business valuations are usually handled by people who have many years of experience and a business valuation credential such as CVA, ABV or ASA which are just some of the available certifications.